"Scorpion Juice acts as a vaccination for your plants by inducing systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in the plant cells. Once this mechanism is triggered, the plant quickly builds an immune response to a diverse variety of pathogens. Your crops are in a war for survival, no matter how much control you exert over your agricultural environment. That's why Advanced Nutrients created a powerful weapon that strengthens your crop's defenses against harmful pathogens, stress, and drought. This weapon is Scorpion Juice. Scorpion Juice is a premier, exclusively-formulated product that turns on the immune system of plants and orchard trees so they are on alert to defend themselves against hostile conditions.
Scorpion Juice cannot be compared any other products on the market; it contains a proprietary salicylic acid formula plus chitosan.
Scorpion acts much like a vaccination by using intracellular signaling pathways to elicit immunity; salicylic acid is the ingredient that acts this way.
Scorpion Juice also has chitosan that induces immunity via an extracellular pathway. This will doubly shock the plant into thinking that it is needing to bolster immunity.
Scorpion Juice causes the plant to fortify itself, putting more energy into synthesis of defensive resins and phenylpropanoids (a natural defense role for volatile aromatic resins)."
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