Controlling your environment and maintaining optimum conditions is crucial to plant health. Happy plant, happy grower come harvest. This digital thermometer/hygrometer will allow you to keep an eye on the temperature and humidity levels of your grow environment. It is one of those components that is just mandatory for any successful garden. This unit displays temperature, humidity and time simultaneously. Maximum and minimum value memory. Choice of 12 hour/24 hour clock display. Choice of centigrade / Fahrenheit units. Built-in alarm function. Clock and calendar function (month and date). Desktop or wall-mountable.
Temperature range:
-50 to +70 °C (-58 to +158 °F);
Humidity range:
20% to 99%
relative humidity (RH).
temperature: 0.1 °C (0.1 °F);
humidity: 1% RH.
temperature: ±1 °C (1.8 °F);
humidity: ± 5 RH (40%-80%).
Power Supply:
1 x 1.5 V (AAA).
Product dimensions:
100 x 100 x 15 mm. Weight: approximately 125 grams
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